View Full Version : CDZ Civ League - news item

02-06-2009, 22:43
Civ4 league to start! [tvs]

Since the notorious CDZ ladder days we haven't seen an organised Civ competition at CivDuelZone. Obviously this shouldn't last and so Robi D has taken the initiative to start a Civ4 League!!

To keep it all real for all us old time-cramped old geezers the chosen format uses duel size maps and advanced starts to keep the time per game limited. After playtesting Robi and Mauer estimate a game will take up to 2 hours but 6 turns also appears possible :D. On top of that you have till the end of 2009 to play all contestants. So that allows for a few relaxed games till december and some opponent bashing on the forums.

Thumbs up to Robi and sign up here (http://www.civduelzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4926)