View Full Version : BtS installed, old games not working

09-11-2007, 23:59
I instaled BtS last night and the vanilla PBEM games are not working.

I guess there is a known fix to this?

Is a dual install the only workaround?

10-11-2007, 00:29
Did you try to load them with BtS or vanilla? If vanilla, what goes wrong? Perhaps the last vanilla version is incompatible with the previous.

10-11-2007, 01:12
BTS automatically patches vanilla to 1.74. If your previous saves were with older version, they might be unreadable. If this is the case for PBEMs, you need to ask a game admin to convert or a player who has an admin password. For single-player games, multiple install might be required for games especially with locked modified assets.

10-11-2007, 03:30
I allready had 1.74 installed.

Since things were not working, I re-instaled it afterwards. It did not helped.

I have 2 PBEMS not working, One I started with Failed Reality with the 1.74 Patch and the Civ4 ISDG.

On both games I have:
"The save file you have selected is protected to make sure that the assets in you mod folder have not been changed"

I loaded a couple of single player games I had and they work fine.


Here is a file that does not work. (Don't mind the password, I don't event get to that point.) Also change extention.

http://www.civ3duelzone.com/forum/uploaded/barbu1977/200711104947_Barbu_Failedreality_BC_3160_to_Failed reality.Civ4SavedGame.jpg

10-11-2007, 03:56
I get that whenever I try to load a GOTM save. I didn't try further than that though.

10-11-2007, 04:57
Apparently there is a Fix:


It worked very nice.