View Full Version : 18 player CDZ pitboss game #SPOILER#

06-07-2006, 03:21
I'm playing the russian (again):

Here is my start:


Can you say crab!!!!
Started working on fishing in order to get those boats out and work a couple of water tiles.

05-11-2006, 15:28
Here's what has happened.

- With many water tiles at 3 GPT (financial) I've been first at gpt for a time.
- I've went for metal casting (expensive) in order to trade to many people)
- Robboo and BCLG100 have asked me to be long time allies. (Only tech trading between us 3) until everybody is out. I said OK.
- Robboo has made sure that Tubby would not kill Matrix. BCLG has been exposed in the aliance. Looks like I have not.
- Looks like DaveShack. (My nearest and powerfull neibour is in the Tubby alliance.)

Right now.
- My defence is strong enough to face a strong attack
- I'm probably going to stick with those 5 cities for a while.
- I should be having a religion on my own on the next turn.


08-01-2007, 15:47
For the lurkers, Here is the political situation:

The southern alliance:
Barbu, Rooboo, BCLG

The middle Alliance:
DaveShack, Darkness, IglooDude, Tubby

The Northen Alliance:
SocralYnnek, Whomp, (Graham or Akots)

The non-alligned:

The middle alliance has grown strong in december, especialy when they killed Matrix. Therefore a plan has been made between the north and the south to take them out on the first days after the Chrismas break with a collective attack

However, things got nasty as they moved before we did. ID attacked BC with troops gifted form his 3 allies.

This hasted the plans. Many war declarations have followed to take advantage of the troops away from their lands. Whomp and Graham declared on Darkness. I have declared on Dave and Ynnek is also suposed to do so on the next day. Finaly Roboo will soon join, taking on Tubby.

This leaves RegentMan. The plan is to make him come in the war against Dave against gained land. If a tech or 2 are needed to lure him in, that should not be a problem.

01-02-2007, 22:23
The attack on DaveShack went well, but unfortunatly Ynneck was more prepared than I was (I'm not used to wage war in this game and lacked too many catapults). He took most of the land. I managed to take 3 cities, one of which will soon fall under Roboos influence. Also, I had to pay Ynneck 200 gold for me to get to the second one before him.

On my alliance things got ugly. Roboo's forces got trashed by ID and had to settle for peace. BC did not take the news very well since ID and Tubby's forced are headed his way. I gave him 10 units for defence, and the plan called for massive science to chemistry on my part while Roboo sent me gold, and BC stacking gold for massive grenadier upgrade. I think BC will have lost only 2 cities.

Also, on the plus side, RegentMan appears to have joined our alliance and will help research and military wise.

Now my big concern is socralynnek. He has a huge stack of unit. I'm only hoping he's going to use it against someone else than me.

Techwise, our alliance is falling behind to the northen alliance. They have everyting we have (except liberalism) and we lack Nationalis, Military Tradition and Replacable parts. They are realy taking over the game.