View Full Version : 1st Strike Promotion

23-05-2006, 15:17
Can somebody tell me what the first/2nd strike promotions do, i have never been able to figure it out.

23-05-2006, 15:27
They increase your chance for a 1st strike (ie, a free shot at the unit that's attacked/being attacked). Note, drill 1 is +1 first strike chance, meaning to roll for a chance to get it. Drill 2 automatically gives you one more first strike (guareenteed I believe).

Drill I 1 extra first strike chance
Drill II 1 extra first strike
Drill III +2 first strike chances
Drill IV +2 first strikes, +10% vs. mounted units

Tubby Rower
23-05-2006, 15:46
I'm assuming that those aren't cummulative.

23-05-2006, 17:14
I believe they are. That's why drill 4 can be so devastating, but drill 2 pretty much stinks :)

23-05-2006, 18:00
The First strike promotions are really nice when they are stacked on top off CG3 promotions. This allows for several high powered free shots which pretty much devestate the entire opposing force. I have had Cg3 LB's with drill 3 and 4 and they never even get damaged as they kill the opposing chariot or axe before they even get to hit back.

I am really excited about the expansion trait that gives all archers and artillary drill 2 to start with. Can you say ouchie?