View Full Version : Ignition - Spoiler

05-01-2006, 02:33
Here's my starting location. I don't know if this is a standard start, but I'm pretty satisfied. :)

By the way, they said you wouldn't know your relative location on the map, but I know I'm up north. [rolleyes]


05-01-2006, 03:18
I think I would have settled 1 tile east. This would have given you coastal access, which is very important in Civ4. Also some corn in range, not bad. ;)

Good luck anyway ! :)

16-01-2006, 01:32
After building my first warrior I started building barracks, until it hit size 2. Then I started on a worker.

I met the Egyptians in the west! [yeah]

Here's the replay so far:


12-05-2006, 02:00
That replay will be updated later. Right now I'll show you the entire map and the score:


Darkness and I have agreed on a tech partnership (hopefully more later, like allies). But I'm hopelessly behind. I've agreed to give hime Mysticism, Meditation, Priesthood and Polytheism for Alphabet, but that'll take quite some time for me to get!! And as you can see from the score romeothemonk already god Code of Laws. [rolleyes]

I'm offering pigs to Darkness for free to ease his mind and will ask him if I can get Alphabet in advance, so that I can trade with AI as well to get in a better position (which should be good for both of us).

12-05-2006, 21:09
do you have any ideas why your behind by that much so far?