View Full Version : How does Sabbing work?

03-05-2005, 13:50
I'm curious how sabotage works. My observations and questions

- spy's are attacking
- sentries are defenders against spy missions
- you can upgrade them with weapons

So far so good, however:
- Covert skill affects both spies and sentries ?!?!? I think so, but not sure
- When covert skill is at equal level, what it's effect on spying and 'sentrying'?

03-05-2005, 15:16
spy/sab missions are always spy level vs sentry level. If your spy rating is 4x their sentry rating you can see their gold in the attack page. Reportedly you have a much higer chance of recon success against these. Sab success depends more on having top covert level + top tools, as well as overall spy level.

covert skill acts as a multiplier to they spy/sentry levels. The amount is 2^covert level, apart from the direct effect on overall spy/sentry level its unclear whether it also applies on a micro level when sabotaging?

The formula for spy/sentry level = [ ( weapon strength * no that weapon ) for each weapon + no spies/sentries without weapons ] * 2^covert level

So if you have covert level 7, 1000 spies, 10 cloaks and 8 Hooks =
[(10*8) + (8*15) + (1000-18)]* 2^7 = [ 80 + 120 + 982 ] * 128 = 151296

If you play with that formula a bit you see that covert level upgrade is far more cost effective than training spies/sentries, which is again more cost effective than buying tools.

However, you need tools to launch/repel spy/sab missions, so buy as many top tools as you feel you can - but for pure levelling up upgrading covert level and then training spies/sentries by the x100 is more effective imo.

Success rate in recon and sab is mainly based on spy vs sentry ratings (no formula though) with a large random factor. You can sab way above your spy level with a reduced chance of success - but with 11 sabs per 1/2 hour you can afford to miss some.
There is some debate over whether having a 1:1 spy/tool ratio helps in covert stuff (consensus seems to be 1:1 weapon/trained does for sure in SA/DA but probly not in spy/sentry) - I think not, based on anecdotal evidence in KoC forums (you just need big spy/sentry level plus some hooks/dogs, no one knows what number is optimal).

24-05-2005, 13:18
I've seen this formula:

quote:You can safely sneak
X * Spy_Efficiency / CA
into an enemy camp, whether to spy or sabotage.

X is a constant. Some say 100, some 102. (I use 100 to calc how many I send in, 102 to calc how to keep others out, just to be on safe side)

Spy efficiency is 2 ^ You_Spy_Level. (1 if lvl 0, 2 if lvl 1, 4 if lvl 2,..., 512 if lvl 9, 1024 if lvl 10). This is 25% higher for elves.

CA is your enemies CA
To get the elf race bonus you must multiply 1.25 * the final CA.

It's something, at least.