View Full Version : *SPOILER* Meli - Killer Round 1

Lt. Killer M
12-03-2003, 16:06
I started OK with a lot of room, then finally met Egypt. Pulling my usual 'hamper the AI early' stunt I attacked a newly founded city. My warrior won. 3 turns later Egypt agreed to this:


needless to say I took it.....

(I edited the entire offer into 1 screen).

Lt. Killer M
12-03-2003, 22:49
I GOT PHILOSOPHY from a HUT!!!!!! Yeeeeeeha!

Lt. Killer M
14-03-2003, 07:46


I hope to cut of the entire continent from the AIs, Egypt is at the edge of the black and still suffering (I suspect another AI picked on them after I weakened them)......

TGLib in Rome???????

Lt. Killer M
17-03-2003, 17:16

I never even saw a unit of theirs, but who am I to argue with that offer :D

Lt. Killer M
30-03-2003, 22:42
Cleopatra is the loser in this game....

took Thebes (Pyramids) and got a leader (FP ruished there). Kill of an archer of hers - leader. SunTzus rushed :D