View Full Version : CivGeneral vs. Killer - MAP MADE

07-01-2004, 12:59
C3C - 1.12 untill possible bugs are discovered, then 1.13

Player order:

1)Killer: Byzantines
2)CivGeneral: Dutch

Difficuly Level:

Map parameters:
Medium World
60% water
roaming barbs
5 billion years
wet climate

no touching continents please!

Victory conditions and extra rules:
honorable warfare

AI civs:
3 AI civs, set at random, but balance them out, so that our starts are equal

Other requests:
equal starts in terms of land and resources

Moderator Action: This game is not needed they will continue with their original game, [fdevil][Evil Meli]
Moderator Action: Ah but it is, alas they lost their last saves. If only they had taken a backup *sob*. But we must be strong, we must make their land anew! [smokin][Good Meli]
Moderator Action: Man you take so much of the fun outta life, [fdevil][Evil Meli]
Moderator Action: Tis but the price of perfection [smokin][Good Meli]

07-01-2004, 22:35
Oh and I've got this one ;)


Lt. Killer M
08-01-2004, 02:33
good meli: thank you, but this really isn't needed: we made ourselves a map :p

08-01-2004, 08:34
Please tell us next time before you make your own map...maybe Meli has already started working on it...

Lt. Killer M
08-01-2004, 08:41
*sigh* I didn't read any futher stuff iny other threads after I talked to meli... so I couldn#t know he'd go editing here... also, no mails for edits, remember????

08-01-2004, 10:21
See thats what happens when you try and help people you poor sap, they throw it back in your face. Can I get an "I told you so?" [fdevil][Evil Meli]
But I ... I mean ... [blush][Good Meli]

quote:Originally posted by Lt. Killer M

*sigh*so I couldn#t know he'd go editing here... also, no mails for edits, remember????

No mail for edits, but seeing as I edited that post about 5 mins AFTER I posted the "Got It", I fail to see the relevance of this...

I'm going to go lie down and cry somewhere.


PS. I hadn't started it yet so dont sweat it. But please please please make a note in the Map Making thread that you are making your own. Or just plain dont post in here at all...


Lt. Killer M
08-01-2004, 10:27
meli, sorry, but I got the mail about the got it post way after you left! actually, check the time on my first post, that's right when I saw it